Hocking Conservancy District

Margaret Creek Subdistrict

Structure 6: Fox Lake

Margaret Creek Subdistrict | Structure 6 | Fox Lake
E. R. Wagoner Multiple Purpose Dam No. 6 and Fox Lake

Fox Lake is Site #6 for Margaret Creek Conservancy District (MCCD). Site #6 has a floodwater-retarding dam constructed of compacted earth fill. This structure is classified by ODNR as a hazard Class I dam. It is 46 feet high and controls the runoff from 4.0 square miles. A permanent pool of 47.5 surface acres provides sediment storage. The principal spillway is a reinforced concrete pipe system, which maintains the normal pool level and regulates the passage of flood flows. It consists of an NRCS standard covered top riser with trash rack, a 30-inch diameter reinforced concrete pipe, and a stilling basin/plunge pool as an outlet structure. The emergency spillway is 40 feet wide and is designed to safely pass 6.75 inches of rainfall occurring in a 6-hour period. The dam was also designed to pass 13.0 inches of rain occurring in a 6-hour period without overtopping the dam. A 12-inch diameter lake drain allows the lake to be lowered for maintenance.

Site #6 is a dual-purpose lake, which provides flood reduction and recreation. ODNR owns all of the property surrounding Fox Lake and has a vested interest in the success of this site. ODNR has two parking lots, a boat ramp, and a pier at the upper end of the lake. The Division of Wildlife provides an area around the lake for public hunting and fishing for sportsman and outdoor enthusiasts.


Drainage Area.................................................2,566 Acres

Total Storage.......................................................1,572 Acre Feet

Flood Water Retarding Storage.................................709.7 Acre Feet

Water Surface Area.........................................47.5 Acres

Height Of Dam.............................................46.2 Feet

Volume Of Fill..........................................................97,480 Cubic Yards

Built in 1966 under The Watershed Protection And Flood Prevention Act by Margaret Creek Conservancy District
, the 
Athens County Board of Commissioners and the 
Athens Soil and Water Conservation District
 with assistance of 
Soil Conservation Service, U.S. Dept. Of Agriculture

Constructed under PL566

Rehabilitation of Fox Lake Dam #6

The Fox Lake structure has been deemed by ODNR and NRCS to be a Class I dam and is in need of rehabilitation to meet their current criteria. The Directors met with NRCS officials in September 2010 to discuss the current status and options for the District to be in compliance. The Directors decided to pursue methods of bringing this structure into compliance with all regulations.

Rehabilitation Assessment Report of Margaret Creek Site 6 - Fox Lake (PDF, 2 MB): Site_6_Dam_Assessment.pdf

ODNR Safety Inspection (PDF, 9 MB): ODNR_Dam_Safety_Inspection_Report_Site_6.pdf
